This is a lil OD

So this video that I took from the Drake show of him performing "Every Girl" has been getting hits (views) like crazy. I thought I posted those videos from the show just so I can share the experience. But thanks to the recent news of him hooking up with Rihanna, and the fact that he gave her a shout out (personally I think it was because of her nudie pictures) the view count for that video has sky rocketed. It was at around 1400 last night, then 4400 at around 1pm yesterday. When I left my house last night at 6pm it was already at 14000 views. I just got home and checked again, it's at 55030 (actually count). My email inbox also got spammed with like comment notices for the video as well. It's a little crazy and kind of amazing watching the view count jump like that. Anyways thats way.

I just figured out why I got so many hits Shake from 2dopeboyz posted it on they're site, that explains a lot.


tiz said...

ithink perez used this clip too. ohmy .

dmai21 said...

lol yea i just noticed